
Time Freedom

People who have more money; they do not have the time to enjoy. Time Freedom is something where time is not the deciding or limiting factor in your life. Here are few questions that determine whether you need time or not:

1. Can you spend your time with the loved ones whenever you wish? Or you need to get the permission from your boss to be with your loved ones?
2. Who is deciding your sleeping time, dining time or bathing time? It is you or your boss?
3. Can you take care of your old parents or your wife or children when they are sick? Or you need to rush to the office?
4. If you are going for a tour, can you spend the time with the family without thinking or worrying about your business or job?

It is not necessary to answer the above questions. However, if your answer to the above questions hurts you, you need time freedom. You need to do something different from something you are currently doing. It is because; doing the same thing will not yield a different result.

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