
Tuesday 23 July 2013

Time is Money! Time Management is the key!

Time is the common factor for every human being. Starting from the new born baby to busy person, they have only 24 hours. Similar way, anyone who is successful in their endowers is a normal human being and they do not have any extraordinary power. But, their current financial status is determined by how they manage their time. In this section, I am going to prove a concept called time is money and how you manage your time will decide your financial growth.

Let us say you work for a company and you are paid Rs.100 per hour. The expected working hours is 8 hours a day. Hence, you are paid Rs.800 per day or Rs.24000 per month.

Now, let us say you need Rs.200 extra per day. But you must work in the same company. The available option is to do over time. If you work 2 hours extra, you will get Rs.1000 per day.

8 hours
Same work
10 hours
Same work
12 hours
Same work
14 hours
Same work

Here, the nature of work remains the same. But, the money we earn is determined by the time we invest in the work. Money earned is directly proportional to the time invested. Hence, time is money.

Next, let us discuss about managing time in our day to day life. We have 24 hours a day. We work for 8 hours and sleep for 8 hours. The question here is what do we do in remaining 8 hours?

The people who are successful have learnt to manage their unproductive time to create a wealth for their life time.

What do we do in this unproductive time? How can we manage the unproductive time effectively that can lead us to success? We will discuss about the same in the next topic.

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